Samak Sundaravej

  • 网络沙马·顺达卫;沙马;顺达卫
Samak SundaravejSamak Sundaravej
  1. Samak Sundaravej passes the time folding a paper crane during the censure debate in parliament yesterday .


  2. Thaksin returned to Thailand this year after his political ally Samak Sundaravej was elected Prime Minister .


  3. Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej urged the delegates to push for reforms that ensure environmentally sustainable energy supplies .


  4. Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was forced to surrender the leadership in September on court charges of conflict of interest .


  5. Piti Dungpitchit says the atmosphere is upbeat and that protesters are confident they will be able to force out Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej .
